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What the initiative Will and Will NOT Do

Refuse to sign petitions for initiatives for over-sized, unapproved, development projects in Cupertino, including specific initiatives such as the Oaks initiative and the Vallco office park initiative.


What the initiative WILL Do:

  • It WILL encourage projects that adhere to the Cupertino General Plan.

  • It WILL require voters’ approval for over-sized projects that violate the standards in the Cupertino General Plan that are set by the initiative.

  • It WILL affirm the City's goal of enhancing Vallco as a regional and community destination for retail, dining, and entertainment.

  • It WILL increase sales tax revenue by retaining Vallco as a regional shopping mall.

  • It WILL retain the existing height limits, to preserve the character of Cupertino, while promoting balanced growth.

  • It WILL help prevent further traffic gridlock through sensible and balanced growth that respects the City’s infrastructure limits.

  • It WILL help prevent additional overcrowding of public schools through sensible and balanced growth that respects the City’s infrastructure limits.


What the initiative WILL NOT Do:

  • It WILL NOT stop any development project that abides by the limits it sets within the General Plan.

  • It WILL NOT stop any project. It only requires that City Council approval of over-sized projects be confirmed by Cupertino’s voters.

  • It WILL NOT take away City Council’s ability to increase citywide office allocation, residential allocation or hotel or retail allocation.

  • It WILL NOT change the existing maximum height, except at Vallco.  At Vallco  there are currently no height guidelines.

  • It WILL NOT prevent Vallco from having housing or office.  Housing or office at Vallco would be allowed if approved by a majority of voters.

  • It WILL NOT prevent growth.  The initiative just re-enforces the City’s current plan so that growth is sustainable.



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